Thursday, November 22, 2012

Honor thy fathers and thy mothers part 3

The Importance of Ancestral Veneration


There is so much that can be said about the Importance and benefits of Ancestral Veneration.
First and far most is that it is our duty and obligation to our Ancestors to help  keep peace within the family.
Seeing that they are the same people(mentally and emotionally) right after their passing into the soul world as they were(mentally and emotionally) in this life it becomes clear that we should help their imperfections become perfections as much as we can.

One way to do this is through prayer . One way to do this is through the burning of candles.
One way to do this is through the burning of specific incenses that those in the underworld of the dead LOVE,
There are many ways to honor your Ancestors, including making visitation to their burial sites and talking to them, laughing with them and bringing to memory all the good times you shared with one another.

The list goes on and on as how to honor your deceased loved ones
But the vibrations from your love, respect, gratitude, and admiration are the most powerful things you can give your ancestors to show them that you have not forgotten them.

As important as showing your love to them is, HOW you show your love is just as important.

Keeping the family customs  alive. Walking in the footsteps of your ancestors.
Even learning some of the skills, languages and hobbies of your ancestors give honor to them.

Showing them that their lives here was not in vain. Showing them that they did indeed leave something of great value and benefit to their descendants.

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