Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Importance of Ancestral Veneration part 4

There is a long line that connects you to the Creator. This invisible line is as real a a physical line that you can draw on a black board. In creating this line, which you share with your Ancestors, are many other lines that they themselves are attached to. What's on the other end of those lines?

Well, when you trace any of these lines of energy back to the original source you find "God".
Taking under consideration that you had to come through your Ancestors to get here it will  be clearly understood that all of the lines are interconnected.
The more harmony you have with an ancestor(mentally, emotionally, spiritually) the deeper is the attraction.
The deeper the attraction the closer these psychic lines are drawn toward each other

A property of what is known in this age as the Law of Attraction.
Energy is ALWAYS flowing in ALL directions and on ALL levels at ALL times.
Within this energy pool are many different waves of vibrations. Mental vibrations, emotional vibrations,
psychic vibrations, etc.! If one "vibrates to a certain key" he/she will inevitably draw closer to other
people, places and things that vibrate to the same key.

What does this have to do with Ancestor veneration?

Within this pool of spirit energy you most certainly will keep your individuality.
You are like a thought amongst other thoughts in a whirl wind of different vibrant colors.
Each color, until perfection is achieved, flickers on and off.
When on- you are in the land of the living. When off- you have entered into the land of the living dead.
Continuing on the path of your journey you will meet other souls of like and unlike nature as yours that will
play a part in pushing or pulling you towards perfection on high.

Each soul will have is own vibration or color that will symbolize its true nature
Some will benefit you and some on your path will attempt to hinder your progress.
Its your job to align yourself with only those spirits that will help you to be enlighten and reach higher levels of self-awareness. With this thought comes your duty not only to help your Ancestors to elevate to new and higher realms of Holiness and perfection but also you must keep in mind that in Ancestor veneration you must Make sure the your lower minded ancestors NOT attend your alter.

You are trying to establish a relationship with your HONORABLE ancestors that will Love, Guide, Protect and Heal you and your life. Not call forth ancestors that still believe in lying, trouble making, playing mean games, causing harm.

The vibrations of your mind and alter must be kept purified and cleansed so that the alter will only attract helpful spirits to your home.

Later we will talk about what to do to keep the alter purified. But keep in mind that your body/mind/spirit should be the Holy Temple of the Creator. This is your ULTIMATE alter. The one that your Ancestors actually live in. YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Honor thy fathers and thy mothers part 3

The Importance of Ancestral Veneration


There is so much that can be said about the Importance and benefits of Ancestral Veneration.
First and far most is that it is our duty and obligation to our Ancestors to help  keep peace within the family.
Seeing that they are the same people(mentally and emotionally) right after their passing into the soul world as they were(mentally and emotionally) in this life it becomes clear that we should help their imperfections become perfections as much as we can.

One way to do this is through prayer . One way to do this is through the burning of candles.
One way to do this is through the burning of specific incenses that those in the underworld of the dead LOVE,
There are many ways to honor your Ancestors, including making visitation to their burial sites and talking to them, laughing with them and bringing to memory all the good times you shared with one another.

The list goes on and on as how to honor your deceased loved ones
But the vibrations from your love, respect, gratitude, and admiration are the most powerful things you can give your ancestors to show them that you have not forgotten them.

As important as showing your love to them is, HOW you show your love is just as important.

Keeping the family customs  alive. Walking in the footsteps of your ancestors.
Even learning some of the skills, languages and hobbies of your ancestors give honor to them.

Showing them that their lives here was not in vain. Showing them that they did indeed leave something of great value and benefit to their descendants.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Honor thy fathers and thy mothers part 2

The Importance of Ancestral Veneration


One must keep in mind that the Law of Magnetism is ALWAYS in operation.
Another way of saying this is "The Law Of Attraction".

And just like there are physical similarities that connect us to others, there are also mental, emotional and even spiritual similarities that can and do connect us to others. In this sense it can be said, "Who is my Mother? Who is my Brother? Who is my Father? Who is my family?"

These vibrations of thought(s), emotions and Intentions can draw spirits closer to you without even thinking
about lighting a candle, burning incense or using ritual oils. No magic spell has to be cast.
You don't have to evoke a spirit from the soul realm. And you don't have to go into a life threaten trace to
bring about yourself these powerful forces.

Like attracts like. Birds of the same feather flock together.

Not only is it very Important to cleanse your thoughts before approaching your ancestors
so that you do not "connect" with the wrong spirit but your entire physical environment should be cleansed.

We will be discusses that later on....


Honor Thy Fathers and Thy Mothers

The Importance of Ancestral Veneration

Before we get into the actual layout of the whats, how's and when of Ancestral Veneration I would like to discuss the Importance of the act of Honoring your Ancestors(Known and Unknown). We ALL have ancestors! The ones through which we arrived here on this planet. There is a Very long line of energy that we had to travel to get to this present moment and stage of life.

Somewhat like time traveling, we come through a wholeness of REALITY  that has been subdivided into different lifetimes. We travel from land to land, lifestyle to lifestyle, planet to planet, world to world and even from male to female and from female to male. Collecting experiences, skills and higher forms of consciousness along the way. And this is Eternal. The natural order of things!

Open doors, through which we as spirits/souls travel are our Ancestors.

Our Mothers and Fathers and the ones before them has enabled us to flow through this pool of energy
that we call Ancestors. The bloodline through which we travel. The ones known and unknown.
The blood of the family being the Energetic Ocean in which you swim.

But what are Ancestors?

Many people from different cultures have different ideas on this topic. I can only give you my opinion and tell you what has worked for me. Yes, Mothers and Fathers are Ancestors. Yes, Grandmothers and Grandfathers
and the ones before them are Ancestors. But to me, so are uncles, aunties and cousins.
And in a way, so are ALL of the people that has Positively influenced my life and gained my admiration.

Ancestral Veneration teaches us that we should have no fear of death. It can also teach us that Life continues after this "so-called" death TRANSITION. It can show you that through the perpetual exchange of birth and "death" that we continue to survive. Reincarnation, as it is called, allows us to see/experience life through the eyes of females, males, children, adults, professionals, laymen, elderly, mothers, fathers, etc. !

The Creator certainly want us to experience LIFE. Jesus said, " I come to bring you life and bring to you more Abundantly". How could we possibly experience all of this in ONE lifetime? We COULDN'T!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you are beginning to see the Importance of studying how to honor your ancestors.
Helping to elevate your Ancestors and bringing them peace can't help but help you and bring you peace in return. Why? Because you are part of this Energy pool that connects ALL of you together.

A psychic link so to say. A bond that is well established between you.
To help them is to help yourself. But the same is said of them. The more they help and uplift you without a
selfish heart the more they help themselves.

You can even direct your veneration towards individual or specific Ancestors and not the whole if you wish.

You, me and the Ancestors can and often do elevate up to the status of being an Angel or a well respected Deity in the spirit worlds. And there are ways that we earthly beings can hep this along.

On the other side of this there are some Ancestors that you DO NOT want to entertain at your alter.
Those that died with very bad habits, violent, Liars, troublemakers, etc. still have the tendencies to carry those same traits to the spirit worlds with them and until they "grow" out of it they still have them.

Later, we will discuss the what ifs in relation to trickster spirits. What are trickster spirits? Remember that
spirits that are not remembered, honored and elevated or cared for sometimes lie and even cause harm to others because they have been forgotten or neglected. They can lie to you when they sense you have a desire to communicate with your deceased loved ones. They may pretend to be your deceased loved one or
someone who is there to guide or help you. They too want light, love and attention. But they use deceitful ways to get it. They use tricks.